The FutureDRV profile
The FutureDRV PROFILE describing the professional driver, their future role and the related knowledge, skills and competences within the 4th industrial revolution has been developed within the FutureDRV project. The profile has been provided in order to serve as a major point of reference on the future skills needs within professional driving with a special view on the implementation of autonomous driving level 4 which has been evaluated by different experts and sources to be very likely for 2035, the point in time chosen by the FutureDRV project as general reference within all project activities.
The FutureDRV profile is accompanied by a number of supporting results and ressources. Those are among others a comprehensive research report on its development and short videos describing the FutureDRV scenarios on the future of truck and bus/coaching driving.

Downloads & links
- Virtual FutureDRV profile (EN only)
- FutureDRV profile (print version) EN
- FutureDRV profile (print version) DE
- FutureDRV profile (print version) FR
- FutureDRV profile (print version) HU
- Research report on the FutureDRV profile development incl. FutureDRV scenarios (bus and truck)
- FutureDRV truck driver scenario long distance (Video, EN)
- FutureDRV truck driver scenario short distance (Video, EN)
- FutureDRV bus driver scenario (Video, EN)