Taking part
Throughout the project implementation there are numerous occasions to get involved into the project without being a member of the consortium. The consortium implements for instance interviews and consultations with experts and stakeholders, surveys with employers and drivers as well as workshops in order to discuss the future of professional driving with stakeholders.

The FutureDRV partners implement regularly throughout the project implementation interviews and consultations with experts and stakeholders on different topics related to the future of professional driving.

Workshops for stakeholders and experts are integral part of the FutureDRV project. They take place regularly alongside project work. Stakeholders are welcome to discuss and share about our results.

Experts and stakeholders are invited to critically reflect our work as members of the projects Advisory Board. The Board virtually meets 2-3 times per year and supports partners to continuously improve their work.

Associated partners get actively involved into project work by providing access to their networks, support dissemination work and participate in the internal discussions and decision making.