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(c) Fotolia.com/ lassedesignen

FutureDRV kick-off: Partners discuss with experts and stakeholders

The FutureDRV partners met the first time at DEKRA representation in Berlin on 10/11 November 2016. Aims, objectives and ideas on the project implementation have been shared among the partners and decisions have been taken on the 1st project implementation steps.

The first months of project work will be focussed on implementing an initial research on existing studies and material on future developments within transport and logistics having an influence on professional drivers roles and tasks in future. The outcomes of this research will be the basis for all four project outputs.

Following the internal partner meeting the partners met with external guests and associated partners in order to discuss in a round tabel discussion different views and perspectives on the future of professional driving. Guests and partners discussed possible future scenarios contraversially and provided in this way a fruitfull basis for the first project implementation steps.


(Image: (c) Fotolia.com/ lassedesignen)